Paul Makepeace

Job Situation


February 2025: I am not currently available for work.

About me

I have a primarily unix/Web (Ruby/Python/Perl) application development background, these days, on the Ruby-on-Rails side, and formerly Perl, specializing in Catalyst, DBIx::Class, Moose, and friends, and on the Python side, Django and App Engine, as well as nearly half my professional career spent as a unix system administrator (Linux & Solaris primarily). I have had my own servers online since 1996 and continue to host websites and applications for friends & clients.

My interests technically are wide ranging: over the years I have written Java servers, Mac OS X GUI development, BSD networking code, Oracle/mail server integration, LDAP client & server, and even a C# and .NET project. I'm heavily involved in a variety of open source projects (including my own), non-profits & commit a fair chunk of time to those communities in the form of mailing list discussions, developer assistance and organizing and participating in social events. I have a healthy list of references from people in a variety of roles and positions.

I'm not just a programmer though: in 2010 I took a year off and earned my Commercial Pilot's License while living in California. While I may one day teach flying, it's very much just a hobby! I am also studying for the Certificate in Quantitative Finance.

More about me, my resume with more details on projects and positions. Or just go ahead and contact me.

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